Regenerative therapies


We offer a range of treatments on site, including regenerative, shockwave, platelet enhanced, stem cell, IRAP and laser therapies.

This is also known as platelet enhanced therapy, and involves blood being collected and then processed to concentrate the platelets. These are then injected into the site of the lesion. The activation of the platelets occurs at time of injection. Activation will release growth factors that are anabolic or promote the production of tissue. This can be fibrous tissue, the type of fibrous tissue is important as there are several different collagen types that make up the fibrous tissue.

This is used in situations where inflammation is considered to be a problem.
IRAP is obtained from the culture of your horse’s blood in special blood tubes that contain beads that stimulate the production of anti-inflammatory proteins. Once this is cultured the area can be injected. This is often a multiple stage therapy.

Stem cells can be collected from the sternum, tuber coxa or recovered from fat. There may be cases where the direct injection of stem cell solution is warranted without incubation. In most cases the cells are incubated to increase the numbers, these are then selected according to their ability to adhere to a surface and their ability to develop into different tissues and they are then injected directly into the lesion or joint affected.

We understand that the stem cell therapy relies on the chemical messengers released for the stem cells at time of injection.

We can adhere the stem cells onto spheres that contain growth factors; this is an exciting development from Europe.

What is shockwave therapy?

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that can speed the healing of many types of orthopaedic and soft tissue injuries and conditions.

Our clinic has a portable extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) unit.

Shockwave therapy is used for the treatment of musculoskeletal soft tissue disorders in horses. Short and sedation-free, equine shock wave therapy sessions provide successful relief of acute and chronic pain. Shockwave therapy can help to restore mobility and promotes faster healing by stimulating bone growth, tissue regeneration and the release of endorphins.
The shockwaves used in equine medicine are generated in a fluid medium inside a transducer head which are then transmitted readily through skin, fat, and muscle. The unit allows the shockwaves to be directed to the precise area of the injury.

Shockwave treatment is generally used at seven to 10 day intervals for up to three occasions. Our vets can bring the machine to your premises or it can be done here at the clinic.

The BHA and FEI do not allow SWT to be used within seven days of a race or competition.  This is to ensure that SWT is not used to ‘mask pain’ just before the race or competition.

Our team will be able to advise you on whether shockwave therapy will be beneficial for your horse.

Platelet enhanced therapy with PRP (platelet rich plasma) is a treatment available for conditions such as soft tissue injuries, for example lesions in tendons.

PRP is also known as platelet enhanced therapy. This involves blood being collected and then processed to concentrate the platelets. These are then injected into the site of the lesion. The activation of the platelets occurs at time of injection.

Activation will release growth factors that are anabolic or promote the production of tissue. This can be fibrous tissue, the type of fibrous tissue is important as there are several different collagen types that make up the fibrous tissue.

Stem cell therapy is becoming a popular choice of treatment for tendon and ligament injuries, as well as joint disease in the horse.

Mesenchymal stem cell therapy involves stem cells being collected from the sternum, tuber coxa or recovered from fat. There may be cases where the direct injection of stem cell solution is warranted without incubation. In most cases the cells are incubated to increase the numbers, these are then selected according to their ability to adhere to a surface and their ability to develop into different tissues and they are then injected directly into the lesion or joint affected.

We understand that the stem cell therapy relies on the chemical messengers released fro the stem cells at time of injection.

We can adhere the stem cells onto spheres that contain growth factors; this is an exciting development from Europe.

Interlukin-1 receptor antagonist protein therapy can be effective in treatment for musculoskeletal injuries in horses, such as degenerative joint disease, tendon and ligament injuries as well as muscle injuries.

IRAP is used in situations where inflammation is considered to be a problem, and is obtained from the culture of your horse’s blood in special blood tubes that contain beads that stimulate the production of anti-inflammatory proteins. Once this is cultured the area can be injected. This is often a multiple stage therapy.

Laser therapy works by using a specific wavelength at the right intensity, location and length of time.

It can have the following benefits:

  • Increased blood supply to the area – this means there will be more oxygen in the area which is ideal for tissue healing, and aids delivery of white blood cells and nutrition to tissue.
  • Reduction of inflammation, leading to a reduction in pain.
  • Increased energy in the cells that are working to repair the injured tissue.
  • Increased collagen production and improvement in the alignment of the collagen, leading to increased strength and elasticity of scar tissue.

Whatever your concerns, give us a call. We are happy to talk to you about regenerative therapies or read more on our Equine Fact Sheets linked below.